Saturday, April 16, 2011

FSU GRDE c/o 2008

The annual GRDE senior portfolio day rolled around this spring once again, but this year I was invited. I've been out in the real world for 3 years already?! Crazy. Sadly, most of my fellow peers were unable to make the trip to Grand Rapids for the event, but I was fortunate enough to get to spend the evening with Rachel and Kyle.

How I miss you guys! Even though I refuse to say I miss college, I do miss those crazy times in the DPC. Wrapping boards and sniffing spray mount in the lab at 3 AM isn't quite as bad when you have 12 other crazy designers trapped in there with you. I wish I hadn't been such a hermit the first three years and was able to spend more time with that group. Let's face it, no one else will be able to talk about tweaking it, primordial ooze and "say it with tea, yell egg!" with anyone else and have quite the same effect.

Dear GRDE class of 2008, I miss you guys like crazy! It's kinda lonely here on this little island known as Holland. I hope that in the near future, we can have a reunion with all 13 of us. Until then, take care and keep in touch! Love, Z

Ferris State Graphic Design program c/o 2008
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