Thursday, August 15, 2013

Mackinac Island -- Brody's 1st Vacation

Beautiful weather, idiots on bicycles and the aroma of fudge and horse poop in the air... ahhh, gotta love those Mackinac vacations. The family and I met up with Ashley and Adam in Mackinaw City last Friday afternoon. (Read all about their super romantic engagement here!) We checked into our hotel and spent the rest of the evening strolling around the city shopping and getting a bite to eat. Lil Man did extremely well, as usual.

Saturday, although a bit windy, the weather was perfect. After Brody's morning nap, we hopped on the ferry. My sister's BFF Kelly works on the island for the summer, so we all met up with her for lunch and she took us on a tour of the lesser known areas of the island.

We tried at one point to lay Brody down for a nap in the park since every time he dozed off in the bike seat, we had to stop for some reason or another. Yeah, that wasn't happening. So our only option was for me to strap Brody back in the bike seat and never. stop. pedaling. Mom and Ash shopped while Dad and Adam joined me on another loop around the island while Brody napped.

I'm super thankful that we were only HALFWAY through our day before we realized that Brody's bike seat was causing my breaks to clamp part of the way down. I mean, I know I'm out of shape and had an extra 30 pounds or so strapped to the back of my bike, but holy crap. My knees were completely shot by 5:00.

Other island activities included our traditional tree branch and "butt tree" photo ops and, of course, ice cream. High five for Chocolate Peanut Butter Mackinac Island Fudge! Mom and Ashley also got to meet Jiff the Pomeranian, Internet star! I'm slightly jealous.

After we said goodbye to the island and rested up at the hotel, we headed back out for some last minute shopping and dinner. Such a wonderful getaway with the family and I'm so proud of how well Lil Man did in the car, the bike seat and sleeping/napping in the hotel where there were so many distractions. Can't wait for future vacations with the Lil Tank!

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