Saturday, October 29, 2011

I swear, the course ate our balls.

I went golfing with my dad for the first time ever today! Well, kinda. Let me back up. Many many moons ago, Clay took me golfing as a surprise. Let's just say it ended badly. As an athlete, you'd think I'd have semi-decent hand-eye coordination. Um, no. Could not connect with the ball to save my life... even with a driver. My best shot was with an iron or something that banked off of a tree onto the green. It was rather amusing to the group of old guys who opted to stand by and watch this disaster.

Today was a different story. (Yes, I warned my dad ahead of time that I was horrible.) He took me to my first driving range for a test run. I actually did a lot better than I thought I would and really had a lot of fun. I may or may not have swung the club similar to a baseball swing, but hey, whatever. And yes, sometimes I whiffed it hard enough to make it fall off the tee and roll 3 feet away. No judgement.

After feeling a bit more confident, Dad and I headed to a more deserted golf course to save me from any embarrassment. My driving range victory was pretty short lived. I lost a ball in a tree on the first hole. Yes, IN the tree... just decided never to come down. Then on the same hole, hit another one into a huge overgrown area that dad refused to fish through due to snakes. We started out with 10 balls and came back with 4... and that includes the additional 4 we found. Fail. But I swear, the course ate our balls. We would hit one straight down the fairway, and by the time we drove up to it, the ball was gone. The long grass and shit ton of leaves didn't help. The highlight of the day was the house dad nailed 200 yards away.

Also went and saw where dad works down here in WV. Saw some really cool pictures of the flood they had back in the... 30s? There's even a sign with a line indicating the water height that's on the second floor of the building. The flood walls around the entire campus... well, town actually... make it look like a maximum security prison. My favorite part of his work was the metal row boat tied up in the rafters of the parking area. It's there to get people over the river if it ever floods and they're stuck at work. Yeah, no joke.

Emergency boat.

Welp, better get off to bed. Aunt Cindy and I have a 10.5 hour drive tomorrow and we're hoping to hit the road by 7:30 AM. Eww.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Portfolio tummy tuck.

Yes, I sucked the fat from my blog and website layout. Cleaner, less cluttered, simple. I know, I feel like I change them quite regularly, but I can't help it. I spent the last week (of my vacation, yes) asking my friend Google how to make certain changes to my blog. I think it's how I'd like it... for awhile at least. I was hoping integrate my blog and website by using Wordpress, but tech-savvy I am not. Anyways, check it out.  :)

On the serious side, my many thoughts and prayers are with the Sagan/Sorensen/Winsemius families and friends tonight. Another young life left this earth too soon from a family still grieving from two other losses just recently. My heart aches for them. This is another heartbreaking reminder to cherish every single moment of your life... for time favors no one. Rest in peace Derek.

Monday, October 24, 2011

WV: The land of bad manners and few teeth

Since Mr. Clayton decided to take all of his vacation time to hunt this year, I decided to use up one of my weeks to visit the folks in West Virginia. Flew down here after work on Friday and will drive home with my aunt next Sunday. Saturday was a typical Zylstra family vacation with a lot packed into one day... pretty sure we're still recovering. Drove to Fayetteville to visit the New River Gorge... the scenic overlook, the top, middle and bottom of the gorge, a waterfall and hiked out to a large rock overlook. It was an excellent day spent with family.

New River Gorge - Grandview overlook

Fayetteville bridge over New River Gorge

I may or may not have been on an excessive eating binge while I'm down here... but dear Lord, puppy chow is irresistible. I just at the powdered sugar remains from a tupperware of puppy chow... with a spoon... like a crack addict. No judging, please.

...aaaaaaaaaaand, Miss Naomi is my little love bug this week. She lives in the same apartment complex as the parents; adorable. Plus, she just stopped by with her Nala Halloween costume... omg. Hang in there ovaries... soon.

Naomi and I

Saturday, October 8, 2011

APB Newsletter launch!

Attention boys and girls... the Animal Placement Bureau newsletter has finally been launched! After about a month and a half of building the template, collecting subscriber lists, finding stories, getting the right permissions and all the other little details... the newsletter was finally launched yesterday afternoon. I know Friday afternoons aren't the most ideal time to send out mass mailings, but I really wanted to get it out in the beginning of the month and was too excited to wait until Monday.

So far there's been a pretty decent response despite that 69% of the mailing list has yet to open it. I was granted access to both the APB Twitter and Facebook accounts in order to link the newsletter to both sites. I find myself checking the status reports quite often to see how many more opens, clicks, re-tweets and likes we're getting on this. 

Feel free to check out the newsletter HERE and subscribe if you'd like to receive these every month! 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

e-newsletter eve.

Holy freelance projects rolling in! And holy stuff to do at work! Feeling a bit overwhelmed right now... deeeeeeep breath. I just finished up the Animal Placement Bureau e-newsletter layout and all prep work, so hopefully it can launch tomorrow! Fingers and toes crossed that all the subscribers actually receive a functioning email... no broken links, no missing pictures, no jibberish of any sorts. Check out the APB Facebook page to sign up for these monthly newsletters. Stay tuned everyone... more to come tomorrow.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Hunting Season... Day One

Ah, hello hunting season... we meet again. You dirty homewrecker. As day one of being a widow draws to an end, I reflect on how awesome I am. Spent my day going to the dog park... twice, cleaning the house, shampooing carpets, eating 1/2 a bag of Oreos, watching an entire season of 24 and painting acorns (don't ask). Yes, that's how cool people like me spend their Saturday nights. At least Zora doesn't desert me.

Speaking of the dog park, I'm digging this little social experiment more and more every time I go. It's doing wonders for socializing the pup and I just love how she plays so hard for 45 minutes or so, then passes out at home. She gets to play, I get stuff done without having to baby sit her... win win. Yes, I still have to supervise her every movement. It's like taking care of a toddler. I follow her from room to room every minute of the day. I still fear for my furniture and as of last night, Zayla and Zora decided to have a territorial pissing contest in just about every room of my house. Awesome. 

Let's see, what else. Freelance work has been keeping me pretty busy. Swamped, really. Can't complain though... gives me something to do while the husband is prancing through the forest. Um, going to West Virginia at the end of the month to spend 10 days with mom, dad, Aunt Cin and Miss Peanut. Definitely looking forward to that. I talk to my mom or dad every day while their down there and it'll be nice to finally meet the neighbors and dogs they reference. Excited to meet all 3 of Peanut's boyfriends... she's such a floozy. ;)

Well people, gotta get to bed. Church in the morning, THEN.... decorating the house! The only thing I like about fall/winter is being able to decorate for the different holidays. Good stuff. :)  'Night everyone. 
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