Thursday, October 27, 2011

Portfolio tummy tuck.

Yes, I sucked the fat from my blog and website layout. Cleaner, less cluttered, simple. I know, I feel like I change them quite regularly, but I can't help it. I spent the last week (of my vacation, yes) asking my friend Google how to make certain changes to my blog. I think it's how I'd like it... for awhile at least. I was hoping integrate my blog and website by using Wordpress, but tech-savvy I am not. Anyways, check it out.  :)

On the serious side, my many thoughts and prayers are with the Sagan/Sorensen/Winsemius families and friends tonight. Another young life left this earth too soon from a family still grieving from two other losses just recently. My heart aches for them. This is another heartbreaking reminder to cherish every single moment of your life... for time favors no one. Rest in peace Derek.
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