Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all you momma's out there! Last year at this time, I was a mere 7 weeks pregnant with Lil Man. We had just told our families that we were expecting, but were still keeping it a secret from the rest of the world. I definitely enjoyed spending my day with my happy little ball of sunshine rather than heartburn and a full bladder.

I heart my kids. My messy, slobbery little poop machines. xoxo

Saturday night, we attended church with my parents and then went to Grandma's house to celebrate with the rest of the family. It was a nice evening of conversation and binge eating.

This morning started out beautifully. Lil Man woke up at his usual time of 5 AM, jabbered for a bit and decided he was going to let mommy sleep in until 7. Glorious. After breakfast, Clay took Brody and Zora downstairs for cartoons or hunting shows or whatever they do down there and I had the morning to myself. Drank some coffee, caught up on life and had the bathroom all alone. Honestly, it felt a little lonely not having two sets of needy eyes staring me down when I stepped out of the shower.

In addition to my uninterrupted morning, Brody and Zora bought me a new coffee thermos covered in pictures of Brody's adorable face. Makes coffee taste even better.

We wrapped up Mother's Day weekend with another trip into Muskegon to spend time with Clay's family. More binge eating and napping in the middle of the living room floor.

Hope everyone else had a wonderful Mother's Day... especially to my mommy and all my fellow first time mamas.
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