Friday, January 25, 2013

Baby Wishes + Predictions ... Results

At each of my baby showers, I asked my friends and family to each fill out "Wishes + Predictions for Baby Arch." I got the idea from Pinterest, tweaked it a little and created my own version. I did something similar on my wedding day and I love going back through and reading everyone's wishes and advice for us. I can only hope that Brody will enjoy reading these someday as well.

Now available in my Etsy shop
100% customizable baby wishes cards available for purchase.

The top half of the sheet asked people to predict when Baby Arch would be born, what the gender would be, height and weight. Just for fun, the winners are:

Birthdate: Brody's Grandma Arch - guessed November 29… right on the money!

Weight: Friends Dana + Delaney - guessed 9 lbs 1 oz… only 1 oz off.

Height: Great-Aunts Darlene, Renee, Cherie, Ann, Linda and Helen; Aunt Shelby; Cousin Autumn; Friends Autumn + Haley - guessed 21 inches… dead on!

Gender: Out of the 47 people who submitted a card, 26 thought Baby Arch would be a girl, 20 guessed a boy... and 1 predicted a giraffe. Don't ask.

The middle section had a list of hopes for Baby Arch. The following are my favorite responses for each:

I hope you learn…

"to not take shit from anyone." - Grandma Z

"to teach your dad that hunting isn't as important as you and your mom!" - cousin Tessa

"to paint beautiful (or not) pictures." - Grandma Arch

"to ball like your Auntie Z." - Aunt Ashley

I hope you aren't afraid…

"of spiders like your dad." - Great Grandma LeBaron

"of new challenges that come your way." - Aunt Sarah

I hope you love…

"Zora." - Alicia

"with every inch of your heart." - cousin Laura

"to be unique and stand out from the crowd." - cousin Tessa

"with all your heart, even if it gets broken occasionally." - Grandma Z

I hope you get…

"to travel to lots of cool places." - Grandma Z

"all the love you deserve." - cousin Jill

I hope you laugh…

"at your dad's dancing."  - Autumn + Haley

"at your problems." - Grandma Arch

I hope you never forget…

"how to smile!" - Great-Aunt Gloria

"to be appreciative for everything." - cousin Tessa

I hope you become…

"famous so you can support me." - Aunt Ashley

"a smart, beautiful person whom everyones loves to be around." - Grandma Z

I hope you respect…

"life…. and doggies." - Grandma Z

"yourself and others." - Great-Aunt Maxine

I hope you grow…

"up close to God." - Aunt Ashley

"This almost made me laugh a little. You are destined to have long legs!" - Great-Aunt Linda

I hope you remember…

"that you are God's child." - Nancy

"to be pleasing to God in all you do." Great Grandma LeBaron

"where you come from." - cousin Christy

"to stand firm in who God made you to be." - cousin Autumn

The last section asked for advice for the new parents. Some of my favorite responses include:

"Do it together!"  - Aunt Helen

"Trust your instincts! It's only hard if you expect perfection." - Dana + Delaney

"Don't forget that you two are a team and each person is just as valuable as the other in raising your family." - Aunt Sarah

"The greatest gift you can give your child is love and wings." - cousin Maria

"Let the housework go." - Great Grandma Neiser

"The days and nights can be long, but enjoy every moment. You'll miss it when your little one grows up and is no longer a snuggly baby." - Aunt Shelby


  1. I love these ideas! I hope you stop by to share on my blog-

  2. My husband's aunt made some cards like this for my bab shower, and I'm making some for a friend's. It's such a great idea!

  3. I love this as a baby shower game! No one gets embarrassed, it's not awkward, and it makes a great keepsake. Thanks for linking this up to Monday Funday!


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