Friday, January 4, 2013

Santa Paws + Tiny Toes: Holiday Recap

No, I didn't fall off the face of the earth after the holidays... my computer went into a coma and had to take a lil trip to the Apple store. Thank God it's back so I can reconnect with the world other than via iPhone or my 9 year old, slower than shit Powerbook with its ancient, useless operating system.

Christmas reaffirmed that my son is a very very spoiled little boy. I think Grandma and Auntie Z were a couple one-uppers when it came to gift giving. Sweet baby Jesus. At this rate, we're going to have to move before Lil Arch #2 comes along because Brody's crap currently takes up BOTH bedrooms. Yeah... plus an additional 5 Rubbermaid totes in the basement... and once I get the toy box from my parent's house, he'll have half the basement. Good thing he's super adorable.

Brody also turned one month old a week ago. :tear: My lil bug is getting so big. At his doctors appointment yesterday, he measured 21.5" (50th percentile) and weighed in at 11 lbs. 9 oz. (85th percentile).

We also shoved all the living room furniture to one end and had a photo shoot with our awesome new camera. For a couple people teaching themselves via internet/trial and error, I think we did a pretty good job. Click here for the full photo album.

For New Years Eve, Brody, Zora and I went over to my mom's for her annual NYE family get together/party. Clay decided to ditch us this year and go to Ludington with his buddies. It was super weird without Clay and my dad there this year. :(  We were also missing an entire family, my sister and her boyfriend and most of my cousins. But the rest of us made the most of it... Brody slept, Zora was antagonized by an overactive 4 year old and Mommy drank. Heavily.

In doggy news, Peanut is doing very well being a pirate. There's been a few instances where she's crashed into furniture or fallen off the retaining wall, but other than that, doing pretty well. The incision is healing nicely and she's still same 'ole Peanut.

Zora (yes, she still exists despite the excess of Brody pictures/news)... well, she's typical Zora. Still very much a puppy despite coming up on her 2nd birthday. Thankfully though, she's very gentle with Brody. Yes, we still worry about her big paws flying erratically, but she'll sniff and lick Brody, then leave him alone. At night, she'll go into the nursery, peak in the crib and then come back to bed. She also likes to lay next to Brody when he's on his playmat and be a protective big sister. My kids are adorable.

Now if I could only get Zora to stop stealing and destroying Brody's binkies...

Random side note: any moms out there with boys using cloth diapers have a little Houdini that manages to pee up his back?! During the day, we decided to go old school and use the traditional cloth diapers (big safety pins and all)... and even when securely tucked within the plastic pants and when he's sitting up, somehow this lil pisser manages to soak the back of him! Baffling.

1 comment:

  1. The photos turned out AMAZING! Your new camera is sheer perfection. I absolutely adore the photo of you holding Brody by the window.


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