Tuesday, January 29, 2013

DIY: Mario Piranha Plant Wine Glasses

My sister and I (like most children of the 80s) grew up on the classic Super Mario Brothers Nintendo DS games. Yeah, we're super awesome like that. So for her birthday this past December, I decided to create her some Mario Piranha Plant wine glasses.... because we still like Mario.... and now we also like wine.

Creating these does require a little bit of time and a steady hand, but the initial set of them only costs roughly $8. I purchased FolkArt Enamels acrylic paint from Hobby Lobby for $2 each (white, lime green and lipstick red were my piranha plant color picks.) My stemware of choice... high-end Dollar Store goblets of course.

Directions for painting glass and ceramics: Clean surface with alcohol, then clean with soap and water. Paint your masterpiece. Allow time to air dry. Place painted glasses in cool oven (I set mine on cookie sheets) and heat to 350°F. Bake for 30 minutes, cool in oven and then remove. 

Only paint the outside of the glass as there should be no direct contact with food. Handwash or top rack dishwasher safe.

I opted to paint the green first, then red and finish with the white. I needed roughly 3 coats for each color for optimum coverage. No worries, the white will cover completely over the red layer. 

Drink up bitches. 


  1. LOVE THIS! My husband ADORES all things Mario Brothers, and this would be a perfect Father's Day present for him. Pinned!! Is this really just basic acrylic paint?

    I'm your newest follower!
    A Tossed Salad Life

    1. Thanks Emily! My sister and I are big Mario fanatics too. Yup, acrylic paint covers and holds up just fine. :)


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