Friday, May 6, 2011


1. Would you ever vacation alone?
Um, probably not. Don't get my wrong, sometimes I love being a loner, but if you're going to go spend time somewhere totally awesome... why not share it with someone? I loved vacationing with my family. Those 2 week road trips around the country were some of the greatest times ever... and then there was the unforgettable, one-in-a-lifetime island hopping in Hawaii with the fam... and multiple trips to CA... and bringing the boyfriends with us to the Keys... and a Jamaican honeymoon with Clayton... etc. etc. etc. Why the hell would I want to experience any of that alone?! 

2. Do you go the speed limit?
I use to be quite the speed demon... until I was pulled over going 87 down the highway. Miraculously, I was only given a warning. However, it was enough to scare the shit out of me and now I keep it anywhere from 5-7 mph over. 

3. Why did you start blogging/following blogs?
I've been following a few blogs for a couple years now... mostly written by designers I either know or went to school with. I started blogging when I became engaged in August 2008 and created a wedding page. After that was over and done with, I really missed that form of a creative outlet. Sometimes I just need to type and ramble about stuff. Even though there's only a handful of people who may read my blog, sometimes I just need to get my thoughts and point of view out there. 

4. Where do you shop for yourself?
Shop? What's that? I have a closet full of Mona Shores and Ferris State apparel in black, grey, navy, gold or maroon. Ok ok, I know... pathetic. The once a year I do go out and do this so-called "shopping," I love Kohls. Everything is always on sale, accessories are nice and the shirts are always long enough in the sleeves and torso. Jeans require a stop at Vanity.

5. What was the song that you danced your first dance with your spouse to at your wedding/what song would you like your first dance to be to?
Over the two years I was engaged, I must have changed my mind on a first dance song at least 20 times. That is, however, until I heard a cover song on YouTube. Clay isn't much of a music person, but we both really like Boys Like Girls. Unfortunately they don't have any great "first dance" songs except for maybe Hero/Heroine. With that said, I started looking for cover versions of that song. I heard a piano rendition of Hero/Heroine by Justin Robinett and Michael Henry and instantly has goosebumps. I knew that that was our song. I still listen to it frequently and it takes me back every time.  xoxo

Have a fantastic weekend everyone and be sure to spoil your mom! 
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