Saturday, February 16, 2013

Unconventional Love Story: Happy 11 Years

Once upon a time...

...there was this barely 16-year-old girl who went to the movies with friends. She had candy chucked at her during the whole movie, was embarrassed in front of people she barely knew and was made fun of relentlessly... all by some conceited ass she had just met an hour earlier.

An ass who thought the pick up line, "My name's Clay... wanna mold me?" would work.

Welp, it did.

Today marks the celebration of the eleven years that she has shown god-like restraint by not strangling that man who is still quite the turd even today.

The end.

Andrea + Clay 2002
There. Who said love stories are predictable?

Happy (unofficial, irrelevant dating) anniversary to my wonderful husband! Here's to many many more years and more adorable babies. I love you. xoxo  :)
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