Saturday, February 9, 2013

DIY: Valentine's Day Crafts for Kids

I am looking forward to the day when Brody is old enough to join his mama at the kitchen table with a can of spray mount and an xacto knife Elmer's glue and safety scissors. I love to craft and really admire moms like Amanda over at What Is Your Cup of Tea that get involved with their children and really let them express themselves creatively. Thanks to sites like Pinterest, there's never a shortage of crafts or unique games that parents and kids can whip up almost instantly.

Won't daddy be surprised when Brody passes up hunting for an evening of arts and crafts with mommy... :smirk:

Since Valentine's Day is just around the corner, I thought I'd share a few of my favorite DIY valentines and craft that you can do with your lil ones (or by yourself, I guess). I don't think the designer in me is ever going to allow my kids to settle for store bought valentines covered in Dora or Spongebob or whatever horrible, non-80s cartoon is popular at the time.

Go forth... be crafty.

1. Football Valentine (Pear Tree Greetings)
2. Sucker Valentine (I Heart Nap Time)
3. Heartstring Garland (Spoonful)
4. Caped Cute-Sader Valentine (Spoonful)
5. Treat Packages (Martha Stewart)
6. Matchbook Valentine (Inchmark)
7. Cinnamon Hearts Bird Treats (Silly Eagle Books)
8. Crayon Hearts (Martha Stewart)
9. Paper Heart Wreath (The Hybrid Chick)

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