Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day + Brody's 1st Pool Adventure

Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there! I hope everyone had an excellent day spending time with family and celebrating the joys of being a parent.

I had a bit of trouble coming up with a gift for Clay's first Father's Day, but this is what I ended up going with...

Custom prints available in my Etsy shop
It's the latitude and longitude coordinates and the date and time Brody was born. The bottom says "You became a father."

Clay went golfing with his dad in the afternoon and then joined us at Mama and Papa Z's house with the rest of my extended family for pool time and some grilling. Thankfully the rainy and foggy weather disappeared and it ended up being a beautiful day.

Since we FINALLY had a nice weekend, I was able to get Brody in the pool! I've been dying to do this for such a long time. He LOVED it!! He kicked and splashed like he does every day in the bathtub. He drenched himself (and me) and it didn't bother him at all to get water in his eyes. What a champ!

So I had a ton more great photos of him in the water, but apparently Dropbox failed me tonight. Gah.

Brody is also an excellent sharer. Like I mentioned in my last post, Brody hasn't felt very well for the last week. Welp, now my mom, grandma and myself are all sick. The only two times I've been sick this year, happened right after that cute lil mug coughed right in my face. So generous.

I wonder what that says about my immune system. I fight off anything I come across in public, but when Tank coughs in my face, I'm damn near out of commission.

So after a rough night of flu-like symptoms Saturday night, I felt a smidge better most of Sunday and then the symptoms came rushing back right after dinner. So thanks Lil Man, I appreciate it.
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