Saturday, February 18, 2012

DIY: Football onesie

Awhile back, my best friend was expecting her first child. After a brief conversation about nervous husbands, newborns and holding them like footballs, I just had to make this onesie. Her husband is also a football coach, so it was even more perfect.

For those of you who didn't know, Hobby Lobby carries onesies. (Who knew?!) They have like 6-8 colors in a variety of sizes. I found this brown one there for $4.99 (plus their usual 40% coupon). I also purchased white belting at Hobby Lobby for a few bucks. Any sort of white fabric will work just fine, but I chose this belting to avoid having to cut and hem fabric and it was a bit more sturdy. Your choice.

Instructions are pretty self explanatory. Take brown onesie. Sew white fabric on to make it look like football laces. Done.


  1. STOP IT! That is insanely cute. hopping over via the blog hop! So nice to meet you! New follower :)


  2. Thank you so much for participating in the blog hop. Wishing you all the best in your bloggy endeavors. Cheers!


  3. Your model is so stinkin' cute! I'd love for you to share this at Whimsy Wednesdays at We go live Tuesday night at 8 EST. I'm following via GFC.

  4. too cute :)
    stopping in from the sweet talk shop

  5. Very cute!! Don't let the hubs get carried away and spike the ball I mean baby!! Thanks for linking up at SweetTalkin' Sunday!

  6. This is too cute! I will need to make one for my nephew once he is born because my three boys love football and would get a kick out of seeing him wear this.

  7. Looks fab!

    Thanks so much for sharing at The Friday Baby Shower Alice x


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