Friday, February 3, 2012

Floors, crafts and boo-boos.

First of all, I'd like to apologize to my mom and Clay for the insane nervous breakdowns I've had this week. I'm sure my mom was slightly hesitant to pick up the phone during the noon hour when I was heading back to work. It was pretty much a for sure thing that I would be sobbing like a lunatic carrying on about how I fail at life. (Sorry mom.) Between the ever growing to do list, Zora's sad infected toe and upcoming household projects.... I'm thinking I either need a week off from everything else or a entourage of personal assistants.

On a happy note, our new floor is being installed tomorrow!!! I'm sooooooooo tired of scrubbing carpets, I could scream. Thank you original owners for putting white carpet in the dining room and in front of the sliding door. Our solid mud backyard and Zora's feet thank you. Although the super heavy-duty carpet scrubber was the best investment ever, I think it's a tad extreme that I use it more than my vacuum. The new floor that's coming in is a solid vinyl tile and will be consistent from the entryway, laundry room, kitchen, dining room, hallway and main bath. Zora and I are spending the day with my sister in Muskegon so Clay and his buddies can work on the floor uninterrupted. (A huge huge thank you to Jason and Eric for spending your Saturday helping us out!)

Adios crappy flooring!

Really!? Where else on the property did they hide ivy!?

I made another emergency trip to the vet before closing time today. I took a picture of Zora's gross toe to send to my mom and the way the flash hit it or something made all the nastiness really stand out. I'm hoping that it just looked that way because the Neosporin was drawing the infection out... but to be on the safe side, I had the vet fill me up a prescription for some heavy duty cream. I'd rather be safe than sorry at this point. I need pup to keep all her piggies. :(

This makes me sad... and a little queasy. 

In other news, Ashley and I are going to apply for a booth at the Mona Shores holiday craft fair this year. So we're in the process of figuring out displays, making product, etc. It should be really fun. I'm a little nervous that I'm setting myself up to fail, but we'll see how this goes. I'll confirm whether we are given a booth or not, but if we are, keep an eye out for us!

I think that's about it for now. Better get some shut eye since Clay's supposedly getting a very early start on things tomorrow. Stay tuned for photos of our new flooring in the upcoming days and keep your fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly for the guys tomorrow! 'Night!
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