Saturday, October 5, 2013

Taking Stock.

Making: puppy cookies [recipes]
Cooking: kielbasa and homemade baby food
Drinking: coffee with York creamer
Reading: my Bloglovin' blogroll
Wanting: this rough patch to be over
Looking: for moms in my area interested in walking or playdates
Playing: Candy Crush like an addict
Wasting: valuable time while the children sleep
Sewing: Brody's Halloween costume
Wishing: I could fit back into my dress pants
Enjoying: the silence while my babies nap
Waiting: for all the unknowns in my life to play out
Liking: the new bird noises Lil Man discovered this week
Wondering: when to schedule Brody's 1st birthday party
Loving: my babies and all the time we've spent doing new things lately
Hoping: the rain will go away so we can go downtown to Pumpkinfest
Marvelling: at how much Brody has changed in the last couple months
Needing: to get off my buns and conquer my to do list
Smelling: cinnamon from my Scentsy burner
Wearing: my usual attire... sweatpants and a tshirt
Following: new Etsy shops as the holiday season approaches
Noticing: I need to stop and re-evaluate some things in my life
Knowing: God will get me through this
Thinking: how blessed I am
Bookmarking: great personal identities and birthday party ideas
Opening: yesterday's mail
Giggling: at Vine video compilations
Feeling: relaxed, yet a little anxious
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