Wednesday, September 19, 2012

30 weeks

Today marks week 30 for Lil Arch! Holy cow. Time is flyyyying by. I still feel like there's a lot of time left... until I look at my to do list. Then I have a small panic attack and try to give my tired body a pep talk to get moving. Baby is the size of a cucumber this week weighing anywhere from 2.5 to 3.8 lbs at 15.2 to 16.7 inches long. The skin is getting smoother, but brain getting wrinklier (making way for all the essential brain tissue). Plus Hercules is now strong enough to grasp a finger!

Total weight gain/loss:
Just a smidge under 30 pounds. I know, total freak out, right?! Doctor assured me though that I'm perfectly on schedule for someone my size. I mean, shoot, I'm growing a 4 foot long baby! ;)

I have gotten sooooo much accomplished over the last few weeks, it's crazy! My to do list is broken down into "right now" and "before baby" projects. I've been organizing the house like mad, getting all the outside stuff done, prepping for baby, etc. I feel super awesome when I get big projects accomplished. Plus, I've gotten 61 things on my Bump Checklist done with only 17 more to go. Is it possible to be in the "nesting stage" all 9 months???

Maternity clothes:
Yes, I splurged and picked out a few more tops. Well, Mama Z picked them up. The weather started turning cold and windy this week, so skirts have been far less convenient. (My apologies to anyone that may have seen my wind vs. skirt disaster heading to my car after work today.)

Stretch marks:
Nope, thank God. Hopefully we can keep it that way.

What's that? Oh, my naps in between nighttime pee breaks? I'm so tired of sleeping on my side, having achy joints, burning feet, jumpy legs and peeing every 45 minutes... I could scream. I just want a good nights sleep... just one night. Is that too much to ask?

Best moment last week:
Passed my second glucose test! Yes, I failed the first. Major bummer. Doc said I passed with flying colors... especially since I was at the absolute minimum score for having to retest in the first place. We also got our pre-admission appointment out of the way. Normally this is done between 35 and 37 weeks, but A.) I wanted to get it done and off my to do list, and B.) those weeks are during hunting season. You're welcome husband.

Sometimes moves like crazy, but has the same skittishness as a dog. As soon as it knows you're watching or put a hand on my belly, it stops moving. Turd. I love watching when I can see a head or limb come protruding out of my side. Such a miracle.

Food cravings:
Ranch dressing. I've gone through 3 bottles in the last few months. I love it on turkey wraps (with some pepperjack cheese and spinach... mmmmm.) Plus I've dipped all my chicken and drown my salad in it.

Ashley's niecephew's gender is still unknown.

Labor signs:
Still too early. Maybe some Braxton Hicks contractions... maybe. Not sure.

Belly button in/out:
Still an innie... but barely. Where I had my belly button piercing, the scar tissue is starting to jet out a bit. Enough to see through my clothes along with the few super moles I have spazzing out on my belly. I feel like an animal with a bunch of nipples traveling down my belly. Eww.

Not being able to finish up my nursery. My chair, that was suppose to be here in 6 to 8 weeks is now pushing 14. Langlois is "hoping" it'll be in by the end of the month. Uhhhh, it better be in addition to a discount or they're going to have an angry pregnant lady to deal with. I also have to re-order the tall dresser for the 3rd time since they keep sending me very yellowed ones. I'm tired of driving to GR to compare furniture colors every few weeks only to have it still be wrong. Damnit Babies R Us, get your shit together. Or else, you too will fear my wrath.

Mood swings:
Um, I think I'm doing ok. Husband might think otherwise, but other than semi-sad things making me start to bawl uncontrollably, I think I'm pretty stable... knock on wood.

What I miss:
Eating raw batter, lifting anything, laying on my belly, sleeping through the night, walking without a waddle, not grunting when I have to lift my feet to put on pants, being able to walk Zora more than just around the block (unless public urination is ok by my neighbors), etc.

What I'm looking forward to:
Getting to spend my favorite time of year at home with my lil one! I looooove Christmas time and the thought of my maternity leave falling right around the holidays brings me much joy. My sister is coming over probably right around Halloween to help me get my Christmas decorations up. Beware trick-or-treaters, my tree will probably be up and lit. Don't be confused. Plus Clay got me a super comfy giraffe robe for our anniversary and I just can't wait to spend my days around the Christmas tree snuggling my babe.
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