Thursday, November 24, 2011

Many thanks.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope that you all find yourselves in the presence of family and loved ones today as well as giving thanks to all the good things in your life. I know I will. I am so incredibly blessed in almost every aspect of my life. I will never be able to thank God enough for showering me with all of these blessings, but I'd like to take a minute now and list what I'm thankful for... (because God reads my blog, right?)

  1. My lil family: I love my little three member family with all my heart. I cherish the time we spend together all curled up on the same couch, lounging around in the living room, going for walks... any time we all together. I have a loving husband who has been by my side through thick and thin for many many years and I love him so very much. I also have this long, skinny lil furball that I absolutely love to death and I don't know what I'd do without her. Thank you Julianne and Will for trusting us with Zora and I am so thankful for what you do to save the furry kids!
  2. My other family: I have the most incredible parents ever. No joke. They have shown more love and support throughout my life than I will ever be able to give them adequate thanks for. I am thankful that my dad is almost done with his "work sentence" in West Virginia and can come home and retire. I pray every day for his health and safety as he gets through the next year and a half. I am so thankful to have a mom that is my best friend. Without her, I'd be so lost. So, so lost. And for my sister, without you, there would be no 5:20 rummy, pounce tournaments and retarded photo booth sessions. I'm so lucky to have you as a sister. I love you all!
  3. Success: Everyone thought Clay and I were crazy for waiting so long to get married, but we had a plan. It's because of that plan and our hard work that our lives came together so perfectly. We both have college degrees, work in jobs that we love what we do and who we work for (and be in Michigan), were able to purchase a house before we got married (thank you God for no apartment living), buy a brand hew vehicle, vacation, etc.. We have a roof over our head, food in our bellies and the luxury of never having to go without... we are blessed.

I could go on and on about all the little things in my life that make it so wonderful in my eyes, but I shall stop there. Time to get my side dishes together and get ready. A big thank you to everyone that makes my life complete. God bless and have a wonderful day!!
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