Thursday, August 4, 2011

Chubby cheeks + belly laughs.

I know I've had quite a few posts about furry kids since I started this blog (well, none too recently... sorry). However, today I want to talk about a different kind of kid.... BABIES! Cute, squish their faces, belly laughs and bubbles kind of babies! I think there are roughly 8 of my Facebook friends right now that are pregnant.... some being veeeeeery pregnant. Especially with Moose expecting, I've had baby brain for quite some time now. Everywhere I go... babies! I recently started following a few baby boards on Pinterest which doesn't make things any better. Greeted daily by pictures of dozens of sleeping newborns and pig-tailed toddlers... gah... almost more than my ovaries can handle.

I can't wait to have kids. Yes, mom and dad, I know you two can't wait either. My dad sent me a picture of him holding his neighbors new baby the other day and it was just the cutest damn thing ever. My parents are going to be the most awesome grandparents. Dear future child, you will be spoiled rotten... prepare yourself. 

On a sad note, my sister-in-law mentioned this blog that she was following called Just For The Record. This family of four found out that new baby has a failing liver. Absolutely heartbreaking, but this family is full of fighters and I will be keeping them in my prayers. I loved reading this blog and looking at all the photos Ani takes. Her girls are so photogenic and beautiful. A great read, I recommend it. 

Being an avid searcher of cool DIY ideas, I stumbled across this great site for crafty expecting mothers... Chic & Cheap Nursery. Awesome nursery decorating ideas, color schemes, DIY wall art... well, at least I thought it was pretty cool. Well, suppose I should go be productive. I promise to get back to my usual pup pictures soon. Take it easy!

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