Saturday, April 27, 2013

DIY: Circle Punch Paper Mache Bowl

So, I hoard paper circles.

They're kinda like pogs for crafty people. I bought a 1" and 2" circle punch last year and now any and all scrap paper, birthday/Christmas cards, magazine ads, etc. could possibly end up looking like swiss cheese.

A couple of weekends ago, the weather sucked and Brody had slipped into a coma, so I decided to use a handful of the circles to make a paper mache bowl.

This paper mache recipe makes a lot of goop. Store in a tupperware and you can basically use it forever.
  • Combine ½ C. flour and 2 C. cold water in a bowl
  • Boil 2 C. of water in a sauce pan and add the flour and cold water mixture
  • Bring to a boil again
  • Remove from heat and add 3 Tbsp. of sugar
  • Let cool (paste will thicken as it cools)

Find a bowl of some sorts and cover in saran wrap. Be mindful of the shape of the bowl around the base. If you're using thicker cardstock and and the bowl doesn't have a gradual curve, you'll have some issues.

I used a paintbrush and just started layering on the circles. I screwed up the first bowl by using black circles with lighter colored ones. Depending on the kinda of paper, dark colors may bleed. Beware.

Drying time is a bit tricky. If you let the paper dry completely while it's still on the actual bowl, sometimes the saran wrap will stick to the bowl and you have to carefully, but aggressively chisel away at the adhesive in between layers. If you slide your creation off the bowl too early, sometimes it warps a bit while it finishes drying. I guess find your happy medium.

Once you peel the plastic wrap off, you can either be done, or create another layer of circles on the inside. I opted to use all one color for the inside of the bowl. Once completely dry, you're good to go!

Are you a circle punch junkie too? Here are some other DIY projects to do with your circles.

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