Sunday, March 4, 2012

Then & Now: Laundry Room

I started continued the laundry room improvements way back in mid January. Then, as always, life happens. Things got busy with work, then the month long floor/kitchen remodel... you know how it goes. Anyways, I found a few ideas on Pinterest and other blogs that I decided to incorporate into my own laundry room. Nothing major, but as everyone knows... it's all in the details.

I purchased this more-functional-than-stylish contact paper from the dollar store to line the bottom of my cupboards with. Between leaky laundry soap bottles and water being splashed everywhere, my cupboards needed some protection. So far, it seems to be working out nicely.

Even though I am the primary laundry-doer in the house, there may be a time... God forbid... husband might have to do his own laundry in my absence. This lil cork board from Walmart on the inside of a cupboard door is great for housing instructions for all those tricky (and not so tricky) articles of clothing that you'll never remember exactly how to launder.

I used to have this shelf in my old bedroom at my parent's house. After a fresh coat of paint, it was ready to hang out above my dryer. I purchased these two glass jars from BigLots for $5 each and put my Oxy-Clean and Borax in them. I was a little stumped at what else could go on the shelf and then I remembered I had a bunch of clothespins. Voila! Oh so fitting for laundry room decor. This lil guy was created by clipping clothespins around a tuna fish can and adding some flair. 

Shortly after moving in, the drywall in the bathroom one day said, "F you TP... I'm so done with you," and dropped the entire toilet paper holder on the floor. Of course this was right after the last coat of Frivolous Berry paint had dried. In fear that my patch job wouldn't hold continuous use of the TP holder, we scored some heavy duty magnets and relocated the TP to the side of the dryer. 

Did you know you can use a dry erase marker on your washer and dryer? I never dry my dress clothes all the way, so I've gotten in the habit of setting a timer just to get the wrinkles out. Well, more times than not, I miss an article of clothing or two and end up drying them all the way. A timer and marker are easy ways to make sure you don't shrink or ruin anything.

This is my pride and joy of the laundry room. I created this custom frame to go around the current plain Jane borderless mirror with those huge gaudy plastic clips. Instead of making this post any longer, stay tuned for a future step-by-step tutorial! 

Other updates include:
  • Added a fresh coat of white paint on all the walls, ceiling and cupboards
  • Painted the soffits and one wall Frivolous Berry
  • New light fixture (thanks Dad!)
  • Added a bar for hanging clothes (thanks again Dad)
  • Relocated the towel bar
  • Mom made me some great new zebra curtains
  • Removed horrible laminate flooring and replaced it with solid vinyl tiles
  • New silver hinges and handles


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