Saturday, January 21, 2012

Theresa Berg: Pet Photographer

I wrote an entry awhile ago after seeing a news story about Theresa Berg, a photographer who works pro-bono for dachshund rescue taking all their adoption photos. This story really stood out in my mind. Finding homes for animals requires almost the same marketing as any other product or service. Descriptions, publicity and great photos. Sadly, most animal rescues fall short in all three areas.

Really? This is the best you can do for that poor dog?

I understand not everyone is a great photographer, but if you know how to turn a camera on and press the shutter button.... there's no excuse for the appalling mug shots some of these dogs have. I decided to check out Theresa's photography site and take a look at some of the dog photo shoots. I'm pretty sure I sat there making kissy faces and baby talk at my computer. These dogs are freakin' adorable! Take note animal shelters everywhere! Good photos = good results!

Photo credits: Theresa Berg Photography
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