Friday, March 8, 2013

Mommyhood: Week 14

That's right, Brody is 14 weeks already. Holy crap. And do you wanna take a stab at what the tank precious little one weighs?! He weighed in at 17 pounds yesterday! 17! Dear future c/o 2030 athletes... my son will squash you. (2030. Wow, if that doesn't make you feel old...)

Anyways, we had my nephews 4th birthday party on Sunday. Brody was definitely smothered in kisses. We decided to dress him up as a giraffe that day. My mom had bought me this awesome giraffe onesie like 4 years ago... I think it was the first baby outfit we ever got. Anyways, it's awesome. Complete with tail, ears and whatever those little giraffe horns are called. Considering he's already growing out of half his 6-9 month clothes, we figured we better hurry up and get him in it at least once. Hell, for all we knew, at the rate he's going, he could've fit into it in the morning and outgrew it by noon.

After the birthday party, we dropped Brody off at Grandma and Grandpa Z's house. My daycare lady had Monday off and since mom watches him on Tuesday anyways, we thought it'd be fun for Brody to have a sleepover at Grandma's house all by himself. I wasn't prepared to start having withdrawals before we even made the 40 minute drive back home. So yeah, I went two full days without my lil man and his smiles. Clay and I just kinda stared at each other like "uh, what now?" So we did what any new parents do when they finally get the house alone... we went to sleep by 8:00 both nights. Rock on old people.

I can't believe how strong Brody's neck is getting. Just a week or so ago, he was so against sitting in his Bumbo or play saucer. Now he loves them! He sits there and just takes in everything that's going on around him. How awesome it is to watch a child grow up right in front of your eyes. 

We are also being extremely cautious of putting Brody on his back. Between the forceps and being a "back to sleep baby," he has a major flat spot going on the back of his head. I mean, like bad. During our 2 month appointment, the doctor told me to keep him off of it as much as possible and then we'll re-evaluate at 4 months. So now he's spending a lot of time in the backpack carrier, Bumbo and play saucer. 

Nighttime is a bit tricky. We learned we have to wait until he falls asleep on his back before we can roll him over to his side. Even with bumpers, he still manages to roll onto his back throughout the night. Fingers crossed this resolves on his own and he won't need a helmet. On top of being super expensive and inconvenient, they also look really uncomfortable. :(

We even tried out his "big boy" bathtub... one of those booster seat looking things that stick to the bottom of the tub. He did okay in it, but kept sliding forward. I assumed he didn't like smashing the boys against the bar, so I took him out and put him back on his sponge. 

I tried to be a super nice doggy mom this past weekend, but that failed miserably. Zora is becoming a pretty pampered pooch. I mean, the living room couch has basically turned into a very large, expensive doggy bed. So I figured the transition from the couch all evening to a couple blankets on a plastic crate all day was probably a little rough on her Highness. I took a couple old bed pillows and pillow cases that I was planning on getting rid of anyways, sewed them together and made a plush little bed for the bottom of her crate. By noon she had chewed off one of the corners and by 4:00 the entire thing was shredded into multiple pieces. You dumb dog. I give up. This is why we can't have anything nice.

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