Friday, August 23, 2013

Mobile Machine

Remember those sweet, tender moments when babies used to just lay there and coo and stare at you? Yeah, I don't either. I think that stage lasts 4-7 days. My Lil Man said the hell with sitting around looking all adorable and decided to start exploring... everywhere and everything.

Brody learned to crawl and pull himself up about a week ago. Sure, he used to move around fairly quickly using his "rock and flop" method, but holy cow. It just amazes me how babies can go from completely immobile to all over the place within like a day.

Mama Z also dug out a ton of toys that Ashley and I grew up with. Brody loves the busy box and this Mickey activity bar thingamajig. I don't know who likes playing with those toys more, me or him. Probably me.

Last weekend, Mama Z, Brody and I went to the Ross Park Art Fair. Decided to bring the baby carrier instead of the stroller. After several minutes of Lil Man kicking my ass (literally), I swung him around and carried the tank facing outward... he sure does love to people watch like his grandpa.

Ashley, her friend Emily and I spent yesterday evening making tshirts for the GR Mud Run this upcoming Saturday. Brody was a good sport and tried out our bandanas while cruising around in his new walker from Aunt Ashley and Grandma Z. 

And of course, the fur children. They're so adorable. Miss Zora and Zayla are such BFFs now (most of the time).
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