Monday, March 19, 2012

DIY: Upcycle Brass Hinges

If you're anything like me, you probably prefer silver over a gold/brass color. After replacing 96 brass door handles and hinges on my cupboards, we decided to upgrade our door handles to silver as well. However, didn't realize door hinges really only came in brass. Hmm, dilemma.

Not so fast. Did you know you can paint your brass hinges with acrylic craft paint? No? Well, you can. The door hinges in my house took anywhere from 3-5 coats to cover all of the brass hue. In between coats, there may or may not be paint boogers where the joints rub against each other. No biggie. Carefully pick them off and apply your next coat.

After the final coat of paint, cover everything with mod podge for a protective coating. I was quite surprised how well everything covered and how such a simple change made everything really come together.  ...because the brass hinges really stuck out against my black, white and silver decor. 


  1. GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!! Gosh I'm so going to do this to my hinges!!!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer... From Dream To Reality!!

  2. Love this idea. Hey, I just passed on The Liebster Award to you. I really love your blog.

  3. Thanks for the idea - I didn't know you could do this! I found you from MarisaPieces and I'm a new follower :)

  4. Fantastic idea! You've been featured in the Spice Up Your Kitchen Awards, thanks so much for linking up:

  5. Awesome! Did you tape around them and do them in place?
    I'm visiting you today from Homework. I hope you get a chance to stop by my blog and leave a comment, too!
    ~ Megin of VMG206
    Medicine Cabinet Makeover

    1. Some I taped around, others I just used a small brush and went slowly. Thanks for visiting! On my way over to your blog now. :)


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