Monday, January 30, 2012

DIY: Hutch improvements

So there's this little hutch that resides in my dining room. Initially, I thought it was going to be the death of me. I had to repaint and touch that $%&#@! thing up so many times after we painted it black... I was ready to rip it out of the wall. For a while, I called it good enough. However, where the hutch meets the wall, the edges are pretty rough. It especially stands out against a white wall. So I came up with a quick, easy and cheap fix to make this hutch-of-death a little more refined looking.

I purchased two 8' pieces of this decorative corner round at Lowes for roughly $3-4 each. Painted them all black, couple quick zips on the miter saw, ta da! It's not much but definitely cleaned up the edges.

Lower part of the hutch - BEFORE

Lower part of the hutch - BEFORE

Lower part of the hutch - AFTER

Upper part of the hutch - AFTER


  1. Love it! Fantastic solution, and it looks great. I have a hutch that needs the same treatment. Thanks for linking up to the Spice Up Your Kitchen Party!


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