For starters, you'll need the following items: clean coffee can, roll of trash bags, decorative paper, glue, ruler and something to cut paper with.
Measure the height of the coffee can and cut the height of the paper accordingly. Please note: you may have to tape a string of images together to make it all the way around. Tape one end down to the can, then gradually apply the glue and stick the graphic down.
I used tacky glue and it made the graphic bubble slightly. Spray mount may have worked betteer.
Next, cut a hole in the coffee can lid large enough for a trash bag to slide out of.
Feed the top of the outside trash bag up through the hole and put the rest of the roll in the can. Sadly, my roll of trash bags sat quite a bit higher than the coffee can, but with a little force, I squeezed the lid on over them.
Ta da! Decorative tin for your trash bag roll!