Sunday, November 2, 2014

Nanananana Batman!

I knew this year was going to be very hit or miss with getting Brody into a costume. I took a hand-me-down Batman costume and made a few alterations... took the "ears" off the mask and attached them to a black winter hat and added ties to the back to give the costume more room to accommodate a winter coat. The lil turd fought me on the hat most of the time and refused to wear the cape, but for the most part, he was a trooper. 

I was sitting at work one day when I came up with the idea to make myself a Robin costume since this would be my first year trick-or-treating with Brody. I ran over to Goodwill on my lunch and found 90% of what I needed to piece together a costume. For someone who knows very little about sewing, I was super pumped about how it turned out. 

I mentioned to my sister what I was doing and both she and her husband jumped on the bandwagon with homemade Catwoman and Joker costumes. 

Brody and I ran into Gentex Friday afternoon to show off our costumes before heading to Muskegon. We met up with Ashley, Adam and Ryan at my parent's house before trick-or-treating. Since it was super cold, Brody was bundled head to toe in winter clothes. He did conquer one whole block before we called it a night. It was a ton of fun... he ran from house to house and just thought he was the cat's meow.

Post-trick-or-treating candy coma...

I put Brody down for bed at my parent's house while Ashley made Ryan my fill-in Batman. The four of us headed out to a Halloween party that just so happened to be superhero themed. The costumes, decorations and food were fantastic. 

I am super glad Ryan was home this weekend and was able to go out with us. I was really looking forward to Halloween, mostly because of Brody, and was glad he got to share that with us.

And on a side note... a huge round of applause to my fellow peers this year. A few years ago, I wrote a post about how ridiculous people were when it came to their costumes.  I was beyond pleased to see my Facebook and Instagram flooded with a plethora of pictures of adorable children all dressed up AND my fellow people in creative, homemade costumes that didn't include their lady bits and ta-tas hanging out everywhere. It seems like superheroes were a huge thing this year and not the typical slutty adult costumes. Bravo, folks... bravo. We're all so grown-up now. 

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