Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Labor Day: Dirt, Dungeons and Dancing

Hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend! I know mine was much needed between tackling my to do list and soaking up the last bit of summer. 

With Ryan still traveling (16 consecutive days and counting...) and Brody at his dad's, my number one goal was to get my landscaping blocks down. I've had a pallet of them sitting in my driveway since Memorial Day. No judging. My parents called me up Saturday morning and offered to come give me a hand. Aren't they wonderful? :)

Mama Z mowed my lawn and cleaned my house while Papa Z and I got all the edgers in place and declared war on quite a few trees. You're welcome grass... the sunshine will see you now. Next phase with landscaping includes removing all the sod/weeds from the sectioned off areas. Adding more plants and rocks will happen in the Spring.

Sunday morning was spent downing a pot of coffee and catching up on freelance and Etsy orders. After I picked up Lil Man, we took Zora for a walk, went for a bike ride, built Lego castles and played in the water table out on the deck. Not a bad way to spend a Sunday.

Monday morning during our Meijer run for more milk (and to see the fishes, of course), we stumbled across these cute popsicle molds for $.99. Yes please! So Brody and I whipped together some peach and orange juice popsicles (with some carrot thrown in there... shhhhhh). He enjoyed drinking the leftovers too, even though he can't grasp the concept of not tipping the cup when he's using a straw. 

I'm sure Zora can't wait for Brody to go back to daycare. Lil Man antagonized that poor dog all weekend. Thank God she's a patient girl and just tries to avoid him rather than be aggressive. Brody's new thing is to try and sit on Zora's back... which makes her jump and fling him off. Heart attack every single time. 

Then there was this dance party that happened in my kitchen. In addition to learning new words and working on his manners, our new daycare must also encourage lots of dancing because any sort of music/sound made Lil Man dance this weekend. 

I'm also trying to break Zora of her furniture habit. Sadness, but she no longer understands or accepts boundaries. So the couch cushions have been up all weekend. Brody decided to try to climb over them, so we made them into a little fort. Entertainment for hours many minutes. He loved to crawl through the hole and make his monster noises. What a ham!

After his afternoon nap, we made a quick run to the West Olive Nursery for a couple more blueberry plants. Brody loved cruising around in his wagon and was so excited to see the train that runs alongside US31. We've been working on choo-choo noises in addition to monkeys, cows, fans and monsters.

The three of us spent the remainder of the day playing outside. It was a beautiful evening and Lil Man sure does love swinging and digging in the rocks. I can't wait to upgrade his playset next summer. Plans are to box it in, fill with pea gravel, replace current limestone with sand and wash/stain all the wood. 

The little daredevil also figured out how to climb up the slide. Excellent. Mama loves more grey hair. 

Of course, one last trip through the cave before bedtime.

Hope everyone else had a wonderful weekend as well and your Tuesday isn't too rough. :)

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