Welp, not much happened this past week which was pretty nice for a change. My days have been packed lately and I think a low key week was much needed.
1. We survived our first Daylight Saving Time. Sweet Jesus. Where were all you moms and dads with the helpful warning?! I guess I wasn't aware that all hell would break loose after setting the clocks back a measly hour. Brody was unbelievable cranky all day Sunday. He normally naps for 5-6 hours total throughout the day... we got a whopping 75 minutes out of him. His meal times were out of whack, he didn't want to sleep, play, be held, set down.... NOTHING. Because he hadn't slept since 11:00 AM that day, Monday morning began at 4 AM. And so did Tuesday. And Wednesday. Thursday we were fortunate enough to sleep in until 5:00. Next year, we're going to Grandma Z's house for Daylight Saving Time. Geesh.
(Yes, I realize my Sunshine Friday posts are supposed to be about things that made my week happier, but this shit happened... so I'm going to tell you about it. Ok? Good.)
(Yes, I realize my Sunshine Friday posts are supposed to be about things that made my week happier, but this shit happened... so I'm going to tell you about it. Ok? Good.)
2. So you remember when I was all sorts of pumped about getting my toes hacked to pieces so that my ingrown toenail problems could be solved? Yeah, the podiatrist botched one of them. He left a huge chunk of nail still embedded in my toe which made it very sore and infected AND the sides that he told me he removed permanently... well, they're growing back not even a month later.
So I had to go see a different podiatrist to fix my poor piggies. He said the one was so damaged that the best way to fix it would be to remove the entire nail and "start from scratch." I tell you what, one more problem with my damn big toes and I'm chopping them off myself. So once again I'm hobbling around with a big white bandage around my big toe.
3. I had the opportunity to work with Flyin' Heroes again... this time on a new brochure. I'm very pleased with how it turned out and I'm very thankful they kept me in mind after I did a quick logo tweak for them a few months back. I highly suggest you check them out as they do great work with local veterans.
4. Mama Z spent some considerable time this week helping me plan for Brody's 1st birthday that's coming up in 3 weeks from today! Crazy! We've got food all planned out, testing out some ideas for his cake and cupcakes and I made some substantial headway on his decorations last weekend. I can't wait to share with you all what his puppy party is going to look like. Soon. :)
5. Mama and Papa Z came over this evening to help me with yard clean up. My parents are so wonderful. Holland only has a leaf disposal site open a few Saturdays during the fall for a 4 hour window and I don't have a truck or trailer, so they loaded up their trailer and took all my leaves back to the Muskegon disposal. Thanks for all your help and a yummy dinner! xoxo
4. Mama Z spent some considerable time this week helping me plan for Brody's 1st birthday that's coming up in 3 weeks from today! Crazy! We've got food all planned out, testing out some ideas for his cake and cupcakes and I made some substantial headway on his decorations last weekend. I can't wait to share with you all what his puppy party is going to look like. Soon. :)
5. Mama and Papa Z came over this evening to help me with yard clean up. My parents are so wonderful. Holland only has a leaf disposal site open a few Saturdays during the fall for a 4 hour window and I don't have a truck or trailer, so they loaded up their trailer and took all my leaves back to the Muskegon disposal. Thanks for all your help and a yummy dinner! xoxo
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Stay warm. Get your leaves cleaned up (especially you, neighbors). Adios!