First of all, I want to sincerely thank everyone for all their prayers and for sharing their stories with me after we found out a choroid plexus cyst was detected in Lil Arch's first ultrasound. Even hearing other pregnancy horror stories helped me put things into perspective and really understand that almost everyone experiences similar fears during their own 9 month roller coaster. Well, once again, God's grace and the the power of prayer have prevailed as the level II ultrasound detected no signs of the cyst or any other abnormalities! The long-legged goober was once again given a clean bill of health. Even though the ultrasound tech commented that she didn't see anything during our ultrasound, I still was hesitant to rejoice until we were given the final confirmation from our doctor.
Up next is my glucose test in 3 weeks. Oh goody. After that, however, my appointments go from monthly to bi-weekly. I also have my first baby shower this Sunday (Archambault side) and the Zylstra/Neiser shower the following Sunday. Ooooooh man, shit's gettin' real. I absolutely cannot wait to get the nursery completely set up! :)
Again, thank you everyone for the overwhelming amount of prayers. We are so grateful for the good news rather than having to play the waiting game for a few more months. Bless you all! xoxo