Saturday, April 14, 2012

Donating time + talent

I'm a firm believer that if you are blessed with a certain talent or skill, there's no reason that you shouldn't use that gift to better a cause or circumstance... without seeking reward or monetary gain. I've blogged a few times about my favorite news cast showcasing how photographers are donating their time and skill to take better adoption photos for local animal shelters. Well, I'm no photographer, but I do know a thing or two about marketing and design. I just wanted to take the time to showcase a few projects I've taken on pro-bono to prove that it doesn't take much time or effort to make a difference in a cause you feel passionate about.

So get out there people. Donate your time and talents to whatever cause floats your boat. It's worth it.

Logo design

Logo design
Website design & maintenance
Twitter account setup and maintenance
YouTube channel setup and maintenance

Fundraising group logo design

Monthly e-newsletters

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Chris! I appreciate it and thank you for following me! I'm on my way over to your blog now! Have a great day. :)


Thank you for checking out my blog! Follow me on Twitter at @aarch5!

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