Holy cow, 2011 is over?! It was just summer 2010 and I was getting married. Where does all this time go? Well, in any case, here's what apparently consumed my time this past year:
01. JAN My sister finally graduated college... and I got bangs.
02. FEB Snowpocalypse!
03. APR The husband celebrated his 27th birthday. What an old man.
04. JUN We adopted our four month old fur child, Zora!
05. JUN Family and friends came over and helped us fence in our entire backyard.
06. JUL Husband and I celebrated our one year anniversary with a trip to Mackinac.
07. SEP Had 100 yards of dirt brought in to redo our lawn.
08. SEP Miss Peanut became deathly ill and gave us a huge scare!
09. OCT Congratulations to Sarah and Phil on the birth of their daughter (Dec.)
10. OCT Rest in pieces G6.
11. OCT Trip to West Virginia to visit the folks for 10 days.
12. NOV Clay took a trip to Missouri and brought back 1 of the 5 deer he got this year.
13. DEC Congrats to my sister-in-law Abbey and Tim on their marriage!
14. DEC My sister and I celebrated our 23rd and 26th birthdays.
15. DEC Zora's first Christmas.
I hope everyone has a fun and safe New Year's Eve and a great start to the new year!