Monday, May 30, 2011

Make Your ♥ Melt Monday

Happy Memorial Day everyone! And a beautiful one at that! I woke up this morning to this weird light coming from the sky and there wasn't rain and I felt warmth... amazing! Today was super productive and I was able to spend a few hours with the family around grandma's pool. I huge thank you to my wonderful dad for taking the time today to go with us to Menards and pick up all the materials for our fence. Good thing he was there because I'm not sure how much more I could have lifted today! However, with random fencing materials strewn around the backyard, we are ready to start leveling parts of the yard, setting posts and clearing the remaining shrubs. Fencing will commence June 18-19 if anyone is interested in lots of food, cold beer and putting up a fence!  :)  Our old cranky neighbors are still throwing their negativity over their little hedge. Today's comment was, "why don't you just do the electric fence (for our future dog)?" Well uh, yeah that's great, but I don't think our future children will appreciate a shock collar. Just saying.

Welp, I hope everyone enjoyed this beautiful day and hopefully spent it with family and friends. Short work week... high five! 'Night!

Betsy is a female Chihuahua mix.
Frankie is a male American Bulldog.
Greta is a female Chihuahua mix.
Rocky is a male American Bulldog.
Roy is a male Shih Tzu.
Simba is a male Corgi.
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