Friday, April 1, 2011


1. Have you ever had surgery?
Definitely... with the scars to prove it. My first surgery was having my tonsils and adenoids removed, then dozens of moles removed and finally, tarsal tunnel surgery on both feet. I had my left foot done in January of 2006 and my right during the summer that same year. The first one was the roughest because I lived on the 4th floor of my dorm (no elevators), went to school on the hill-iest campus ever and had classes all over the place. Plus it was the dead of winter and my first day back after surgery was the day after a huge ice storm. Crutches and ice don't mix well. It was a long 8 weeks on crutches hobbling all over campus.


2. Ever ride in an ambulance?
Nope, fortunately.

3. How are you in a medical emergency? Panicked? Calm?
I've never really encountered a serious situation where I would know either way. I think I would be intense, but collected enough to be able to take care of whatever was happening. My fear is someday with a baby, if something doesn't seem right or bad is happening, I'll freak out and panic. I sure hope not.

4. Do you have a garden? Flowers or veggies?
Not yet, but I really want a garden. We have a lot of landscaping work to do and hopefully a garden will find its way into our backyard somehow. I'd love to grow raspberries, green beans, strawberries... etc. Clay and I aren't huge veggie fans, but I'm sure I could find something to grow. Growing flowers throughout our property is a definite yes someday.

5. When did you move out of your parents house?
Funny that this question came up today. I didn't move out of my parents house until my wedding day (July 17, 2010). Yes, I moved into a dorm for college for four years, but officially, not until last summer. However, Clay and I officially closed on our house one year ago today. He started living there immediately and slowly over the last year, we've made it our own. Of course there's still a lot to be done, but it's coming along nicely and I love our home. xoxo

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